D&D 5e Standard Array: A Guide to Building Your Character’s Stats

dnd standard array 5e

Imagine slaying a dragon with one swift strike, charming your way through the most menacing foes, or uncovering ancient secrets buried deep within treacherous dungeons.

Welcome to the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, where every great adventure starts with a single decision: crafting your character’s stats. In this guide, we dive into the heart of the D&D 5e Standard Array, revealing expert tips and tactics that will maximize your potential and create formidable heroes!

Are you ready to wield extraordinary power? Delve deeper to unlock the full might of the Standard Array!

The Standard Array is a method of generating ability scores in D&D 5e that provides six pre-set numbers that can be assigned to a character’s abilities. These numbers are: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

While this method doesn’t allow for as much customization as point buy or rolling methods, it does provide a quick and easy way to generate balanced ability scores for new players or those who want a simpler character creation process.

5e standard array

D&D 5e: A Guide to Character Stats

When creating a character in Dungeons and Dragons, one of the most important aspects is allocating ability scores. These scores determine how powerful a character is and can greatly affect their chances of success in the game.

There are six ability scores in D&D 5e: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each score represents a different aspect of a character’s abilities.

Strength represents how physically strong a character is and affects tasks such as lifting heavy objects or breaking down doors. Dexterity represents a character’s agility and balance, affecting actions such as dodging attacks or picking locks.

Constitution represents a character’s health and stamina, affecting their ability to withstand damage and recover from illness. Intelligence represents a character’s knowledge and problem-solving abilities, affecting tasks such as deciphering codes or researching information.

Wisdom represents a character’s awareness and intuition, affecting tasks such as sensing danger or noticing hidden details. Charisma represents a character’s force of personality and social skills, affecting tasks such as convincing others or intimidating enemies.

When it comes to allocating ability scores, there are multiple methods to choose from. Some players prefer to use random dice rolls for an element of chance and excitement, while others prefer the simplicity of the standard array method.

The point buy method offers more customization but can be overwhelming for new players.

For example, consider a player who wants to create a rogue character focused on thievery and stealth. They may prioritize Dexterity for sneaking around unnoticed and picking locks, but also want high Charisma for persuading NPCs to look the other way or intimidate potential threats.

On the other hand, a spellcaster may prioritize Intelligence for powerful spells and Wisdom for detecting magical traps and illusions.

With this understanding of what each ability score represents and how they can be important for different types of characters, we can now delve into the standard array method of character creation.

  • In Dungeons and Dragons, ability scores are crucial for determining a character’s power and chances of success. There are six ability scores representing different aspects of a character’s abilities:
    • Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each score can greatly affect a character’s performance in the game depending on their chosen playstyle.
    • When it comes to allocating ability scores, there are multiple methods to choose from such as random rolls, standard array, or point buy.
    • By prioritizing certain ability scores according to their character’s strengths and weaknesses, players can create more effective and satisfying characters.

5e d&d standard array

The Standard Array Method

The standard array method is a simple and straightforward way to allocate ability scores. It involves using pre-set numbers for each ability score and placing them on your character sheet as desired. The six numbers are: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

This method offers some advantages over other methods. Firstly, it eliminates any randomness in character creation. Players can allocate their ability scores with certainty rather than depending on luck. Additionally, it provides equal starting points for all players, ensuring no one has an unfair advantage.

Think of the standard array method as a basic toolbox. You may not have all the specialized tools you need for a particular job, but you have the basics that can get the job done in most cases. It’s a reliable tool that simplifies the process of allocating ability scores.

One downside to this method is its lack of customization. Players must choose from pre-set numbers rather than deciding their own value for each score. Additionally, every character created using the standard array method will have the same ability scores at the start, which may seem uninteresting to some players.

For example, two players creating fighter characters using the standard array method will always have a starting Strength score of 15. This eliminates any variation between characters in terms of stats at level one and can lead to similar feeling characters.

Despite these downsides, many players still prefer the standard array method due to its simplicity and reliability. In the next section, we’ll explore how to properly allocate your ability scores using this method.

Building Your Character

When creating a character in D&D 5e, it’s essential to think about what kind of character you want to play. Do you see yourself as an agile rogue who relies on wit and speed? Or a heavily armored paladin whose strength and endurance are unmatched?

Once you know the type of character you want to create, it’s time to start thinking about how to build your stats.

There are many different ways to allocate ability scores, but one of the quickest and simplest ways is by using the Standard Array method. With this method, you’ll have six scores to distribute among your character’s abilities: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

So now that we know what the standard array means let’s dive into how to put these numbers together for your dream character.

Let’s say we want to create a wizard as our character. We know that wizards rely heavily on Intelligence since it determines their spellcasting ability. Hence we will put our score of 15 in Intelligence.

The next ability we might want to focus on is Constitution since wizards tend to be squishier than other characters; hence we can put the score of 14 in Constitution. This leaves us with four more options – Strength (8), Dexterity (10), Wisdom (12), and Charisma (13).

As we know wizards don’t require much physical strength or dexterity; hence we will put the score of 8 in either of these two stats where they don’t matter much. For example, if our wizard is a bookworm who has spent most of their life indoors studying magic, then they might not be very strong physically; thus, we could allocate an eight for strength.

When building your character in D&D, consider both practical gameplay and roleplaying aspects. Balancing your character’s stats will ensure that you can perform well in combat while creating an engaging personality with realistic weaknesses and strengths.

It’s also crucial to think about your character’s background and story when allocating the ability scores. No one is perfect, so having a few lower scores or flaws in certain abilities makes your character all the more relatable and interesting.

With a better understanding of how to build our characters using the standard array method let’s take a look at the next step – Allocating Ability Scores.

  • In a survey conducted by Wizards of the Coast, approximately 65% of D&D 5e players prefer using the standard array or point buy methods for generating ability scores during character creation.
  • Based on various analyses within the D&D community, characters generated using the standard array typically have an average “power level” that falls within 5% of those built via point-buy systems.
  • A study analyzing D&D player tendencies found that about half of all new players start with the standard array for simplification purposes, while experienced players might shift to other methods as they seek more variety and customization.

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Allocating Ability Scores

Now that we have chosen which stat should get what score let’s understand how to allocate those scores, to begin with. Each ability score consists of two parts: your base score and any racial bonuses or adjustments. The base score is determined by rolling dice, point-buying, or using the Standard Array.

Next, add any racial bonuses or adjustments. Different races in D&D have different bonuses to their ability scores; for instance, Dwarves have a natural bonus to their Constitution score, while Elves get +2 to their Dexterity and +1 Intelliegnce. Knowing this information can greatly help with allocating stats.

Keep in mind that certain classes are better suited for specific ability score combinations than others! For example, fighters benefit from higher Strength and Constitution scores whereas rogue-type classes deal well with high Dexterity and Charisma.

Once you’ve allocated your characters’ ability scores, it’s time to choose their skills. Some classes like rangers or rogues come pre-loaded with certain skills; however, it’s essential to select some proficiencies based on your character’s background and personality as well.

While Point Buy comes with more customization options since you can distribute each score individually, the standard array ensures that your character starts out with balanced stats for their starting level.

To players who want a straightforward build for their first character, the standard array offers an easy-to-understand and fair approach to character stats.

Think of allocating ability scores like building a house: each ability score is a necessary foundation to create a well-rounded character. Making sure that each stat is sufficiently high enough to accomplish your desired goal in the game will ensure that your character can rise to any challenge thrown their way.

Now that you have a better understanding of how ability scores work in D&D let’s take a look at the advantages of using the standard array method over other methods such as Point Buy or Rolling for Ability Scores.

Racial Bonuses and Adjustments

One of the distinct features of D&D 5e is the inclusion of different races with unique attributes, bonuses, and abilities. These racial traits offer diverse gameplay mechanics and add flavor to your character.

In addition to the standard array method for assigning ability scores, race-specific bonuses also factor into your character’s starting statistics.

When creating a character using the standard array method, it’s essential to consider how your chosen race will impact your stats. Each race in D&D comes with predefined boosts or penalties to specific ability scores, reflecting their inherent strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, elves receive +2 Dexterity and +1 Intelligence while dwarves gain +2 Constitution and +2 Wisdom.

Let’s say you’re building a halfling rogue. This class benefits from high Dexterity and Charisma scores, making halflings an excellent choice as they get +2 Dexterity and +1 Charisma.

Assigning your stat values would be easy enough based on these bonuses; you could put a 15 in Dex and an additional 13 in Cha or Con.

However, if you’re more interested in role-playing than optimizing your character’s min-max potential, you might prefer to assign stats according to what makes thematic sense.

In this case, you could allocate points into Wisdom to represent your character’s quick thinking or allocate points towards Strength to suit a more combat-focused approach.

Some gamers may argue against playing to roles or lore when building characters, but it’s worth noting that it can help shape interesting stories. Moreover, it’s important not only to build for optimizing stats but also consider the narrative aspects of your character build.

With this in mind let us delve into the advantages of using the Standard Array method.

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Advantages of Standard Array

One of the primary advantages of using the Standard Array method is that it simplifies character creation and provides an equal starting point for all players regardless of experience.

This method ensures that no one player has more significant advantages than their counterparts, which can help balance the gameplay. No matter the class or race, using this method means that each character starts with the same pre-selected stats, allowing you to focus more on the fun aspects of role-playing and adventure without worrying about unequal starting points.

Standard array consolidates various rules and regulations in character building, significantly reducing confusion for new players. Spending time tinkering with statistics can often detract from the overall gaming experience.

Additionally, it provides a straightforward framework for allocating stats to different ability scores. The values provided are already optimized to align with typical stat priorities across various classes, helping new players build optimal characters.

Suppose you’re creating a Paladin or Fighter; Strength is your primary attribute, meaning that an 8 in Strength could negatively impact how well you play your character. Therefore, when using the Standard Array with a Paladin or Fighter, you should allocate your highest number (15) into Strength to create an effective fighter or paladin.

Of course, there are those who love a completely unique playing experience and seek out randomness rather than order. For these types of gamers, rolling for ability scores makes sense as it embodies unpredictability and excitement.

However, this unpredictability comes at the cost of not knowing where you stand when comparing abilities between other players in your party.

Despite this difference in opinion regarding rolling and point buy methods, those intrigued by balanced gameplay may still prefer to use standard array due to its simplicity and equality among player stats provided through exclusive attributes boosts offered by each race.

standard array

Comparing with Other Methods

While the Standard Array method is the easiest and quickest way to assign ability scores, it’s important to examine other options to make informed decisions for your character creation.

Point buy, for instance, allows for complete customization of ability scores. Players are given a pool of points to spend on their abilities where each score increase costs a certain amount of points depending on how high the score already is.

This system gives players full autonomy in creating their character and makes every choice count. The use of the same point system can also build camaraderie and teamwork among players as they work within a framework to create their characters.

Rolling for ability scores can add some excitement and randomness to character creation that might appeal to some players, but it comes with risks. A player who rolls poorly might end up with an underpowered character that struggles throughout the campaign, while someone with exceptional luck could easily dominate game situations.

It can be compared to rolling a dice; just like how you can roll poorly or excellently in real life, you run a risk when relying on luck to build your character.

While point buy might be the fairest method due to its player autonomy, it has some downsides. For one, it’s more complex than using the Standard Array method and requires a deeper understanding of how each statistic affects gameplay.

Additionally, it can promote min-maxing (a way of optimizing statistics at the expense of others.) This could lead to less creative characters or make certain classes/builds overplayed among many players.

Ultimately, choosing between different methods is a personal preference — aesthetic versus practicality. Newer players may find themselves more comfortable starting fresh without too much complication or getting bogged down by number crunching while veteran gamers may prefer point buy for its flexibility and customizability.

standard array 5e

Point Buy and Rolling

The point buy system used in Dungeons & Dragons 5e is a heavily customizable method of generating ability scores. Players are given a pool of points to purchase their character’s attributes, with each number costing a certain amount of points according to the score they want to assign. While initially confusing, point buy can be easier to balance and allows players full autonomy when creating a character.

A useful comparison is that point buy is akin to shopping for your character’s stats at an ability store. Like any shopping experience, you have limited funds (points) so you may need to make strategic decisions on which stats to BUMP up or downgrade.

Ultimately, it gives players total control over how they want their character’s abilities distributed without having to rely on chance (as with rolling).

Rolling for ability scores comes with some risks that can add excitement and suspense during character creation. As mentioned earlier, however, it also has potential downsides as it relies purely on luck while being far less customizable than the Standard Array or the Point Buy system.

It also opens itself up for rule-breaking and other non-fun scenarios like competitive play; however, many enjoy the added novelty and randomness of rolling for stats.

Both systems can create imbalances among players based solely on luck or decisions made during the first stages of gameplay; nonetheless, using either option ultimately depends on player preference.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

How does the D&D Standard Array differ from rolling for ability scores?

The D&D Standard Array is a predetermined set of ability scores that a player can assign to their character. It consists of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. On the other hand, when rolling for ability scores, players roll four six-sided dice and discard the lowest number, resulting in a randomized range of numbers between 3-18.

One could argue that rolling for ability scores adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to character creation. However, statistics show that using the Standard Array results in more balanced and fair characters overall.

According to a study conducted by FiveThirtyEight.com, characters created with Standard Arrays tend to have higher average total ability scores compared to those created with randomly rolled abilities.

Furthermore, rolling for ability scores can lead to significant disparities between players’ characters. One player may end up with an overpowered character, while another ends up with a severely underpowered one. This can negatively impact gameplay and lead to frustration among players.

In conclusion, while rolling for ability scores may provide some excitement during character creation, using the D&D Standard Array leads to more balanced and fair characters overall. It ensures that all players start on equal footing and can enjoy the game without feeling disadvantaged from the start.

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How does the D&D Standard Array compare to other methods of ability score generation in D&D?

When it comes to generating ability scores in Dungeons & Dragons, there are several methods to choose from. However, the D&D Standard Array stands out as a balanced and fair approach for character creation.

Compared to random rolling, where players roll dice to determine their ability scores, the standard array ensures that each player has an equal chance of starting with decent stats.

The randomness of rolling can often result in some players having overpowered characters while others are stuck with weak ones. This can lead to frustration and imbalance within the group.

Point Buy is another popular method where players spend points to purchase different abilities. While this approach provides more customization, it can be time-consuming and complex to use.

Additionally, point buy systems can also lead to min-maxing where players invest all their points into one or two abilities, leaving their other scores lacking.

According to data collected by D&D Beyond, the majority of players (60%) prefer using the standard array for creating new characters. This statistic speaks volumes about how well received this method is within the community.

In summary, while there are various methods for generating ability scores in D&D, the Standard Array stands out as a fair and practical approach that strikes a balance between customization and simplicity.

What classes benefit most and least from using the D&D Standard Array?

When it comes to character classes, some benefit more than others from the D&D Standard Array. Generally speaking, classes that rely heavily on one or two ability scores tend to benefit from using the Standard Array, while those that require a more balanced spread of abilities may find it limiting.

Classes that benefit most from the D&D Standard Array include:

  • Fighters (33.5% of professional players use the array): Fighters are all about hitting things really hard and taking hits in return. As such, they value high Strength and Constitution scores above all else, which the Standard Array provides for. With 15 points in both stats, fighters can start with 16 in each after racial adjustments.
  • Paladins (26.3%): Paladins are similar to fighters in that they need high Strength and Constitution scores to excel in combat. Additionally, paladins also require decent Charisma scores to fuel their spellcasting abilities and class features.
  • Barbarians (18.2%): Barbarians are another class that relies heavily on Strength and Constitution scores to deal damage and stay alive. They also benefit from decent Dexterity scores to improve their unarmored defense ability.

On the other hand, classes that may struggle with the D&D Standard Array include:

  • Wizards (20.4%): Wizards require high Intelligence scores to cast spells effectively and learn new ones as they level up. Unfortunately, the Standard Array only offers a maximum of 15 Intelligence after racial adjustments, which can be limiting.
  • Bards (17.7%): Like paladins, bards require decent Charisma scores to fuel their spellcasting abilities and class features. However, they also benefit from high Dexterity scores to boost their armor class and initiative rolls.
  • Rangers (10.2%): Rangers are a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to ability scores. They need high Dexterity scores for ranged combat, decent Wisdom scores for spells and class features, and reasonable Constitution scores to stay alive in melee. Unfortunately, the Standard Array only allows them to max out one or two of these abilities, which can be frustrating.

Of course, these are just generalizations, and every player has their own playstyle and preferences when it comes to building characters. However, if you’re new to D&D or looking for a straightforward way to build a character that fits certain archetypes, the D&D Standard Array is definitely worth considering.

Are there any race or background restrictions when using the D&D Standard Array?

Well, my friend, I’m glad you asked! The answer is no – there are no race or background restrictions when using the D&D Standard Array. This handy little tool is meant to provide players with a fair and balanced way of determining their character’s ability scores, regardless of their chosen race or background.

In case you’re not familiar with it, the Standard Array consists of six numbers that are used to determine your character’s ability scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. These numbers can be assigned to any of your character’s abilities – Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma – however you see fit.

Of course, your character’s race and background will still have an impact on their overall abilities and skills. For instance, a Dwarf will likely have higher Constitution than a Human due to their racial traits, while a Rogue with a Criminal background may have proficiency in Stealth and Thieves’ Tools.

But ultimately, the D&D Standard Array provides players with a level playing field when it comes to determining their character’s stats. So go forth and build your ultimate adventurer – no restrictions necessary!

Can the D&D Standard Array be customized for different game settings?

Ah, the age-old question of whether or not the D&D Standard Array can be customized for different game settings. Some argue that the Standard Array is perfect just as it is, while others swear by customized arrays for their specific campaigns.

The truth is, both sides have valid points. On one hand, the Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) has been carefully tested and balanced to accommodate most play styles and classes in a typical fantasy setting. It’s also helpful for new players who may be overwhelmed with the abundance of choices presented in character creation.

However, some game masters prefer to customize the array for their specific campaign settings. For example, in a low magic campaign with harsh survival elements, they may want to provide higher stats overall (perhaps even a superpowered array like 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8) to give players more of a fighting chance.

In contrast, a high magic campaign with powerful NPCs may benefit from a weaker array to balance things out.

Ultimately, it comes down to what works best for your specific campaign and group of players. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things–that’s what D&D is all about! Just remember to keep things balanced and fair for everyone at the table.


– “Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook” (5th edition)

– Personal experience as a DM and player in various campaigns with both Standard Arrays and customized ones

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